Valentine's Day Bar Cart

All pictures in this post were taken by Cue the Light in her photography studio in Sunnyvale, CA

Valentine’s Day is only 4 days away! Holidays always sneak up on me, bad blogger, I know, ha! I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put something together this year, even if it was last minute. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know the saga of the dyed coffee filters. I needed pastel pink ones for a party and tried several times before I got the color just right. After all those tries I had many left that were too red for that party, but perfect for Valentine’s Day! 

I talked to Sarah, from Cue the Light, about my bar cart idea and she was on board even before I finished telling her about it, yay for creatives that trust you blindly! 

As I said, the garlands on the back are made out of dyed coffee filters, I might do a tutorial if you all are interested. You guys know how much I love color and I’ll use any excuse to mix the same color un different shades into one shoot.

For pictures like this, I will first decide on the bigger items and what I want to use as locals points and then fill out the rest. I knew I wanted to use the red garland as a backdrop, and then I had these lip napkins from Jollity and Co for the longest time just waiting to turn them into a garland, so I just cut holes with a hole puncher and used white and red twine to string them together. 

I knew that the pink letter board needed to make an appearance here, just want to say kudos to the people that use letter boards with witty phrases all the time because it takes me so long to come up with anything to put up on those!

After I had all of that I still felt there was something missing, that’s when I remembered my amazing acrylic chandelier from Hey Girl Decor, but it was a tad bit too white for what I wanted. Vinyl sticker to the rescue! I decided to cut small red hearts out of removable vinyl and just add them to the chandelier, easy peasy! 

We then decided to add donuts, because donuts! These are actually from Safeway, we called them the day before and asked for pink icing and pink and red sprinkles and they were happy to make them for us, we picked them up on a Friday so it was only $5 a dozen!! When we picked up the donut we went to the candy aisle and found those heart shaped jelly beans and we were sold! 

The day before Sarah had had another photoshoot at her studio with a florist and she very kindly made something for us to include in the bar cart, I again added a few red hearts to the vase to make it look more festive. 

I always get asked how long it takes me to put together these things or how I come up with them. Honestly, this was really quick, I just took all the pink things I had in my prop closet and started playing with it, you never know how easy it is to do until you try!  


Here’s everything I used for this shoot

Party on!


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